Weight Loss, Muscle Tone
This is an intensive 4-week training program designed to help you master your body, shake up your workouts, torch fat, and build new levels of strength.
About the Author
Mike started with the break dance. After having tried many sports directions he created his own, unique system of hybrid training, whose analogs do not exist. This program is very popular all over the world. And there is a reason for this. After looking at Mike, you can see that it really works. More information about the author can be found in this video.
No more boring workouts, and no cardio! Stay lean year-round and learn amazing new skills from high-flying athlete Mike Vazquez.
You will train 5 times a week, on average 45 - 60 minutes. The main equipment that will be needed: your body, barbbell, dumbbells, bar, dip bars. For some exercises you will need: ropes, sleigh with a weight, tire, hammer, medicine ball. If you can not use them, use alternatives or skip the exercise.
You may be intimidated by some exercises that require advanced skills level. Do not worry. They can be replaced with simpler exercises. For example, handstand push-ups can be replaced by handstand push-ups against the wall or push-ups with high raised legs. If this is still difficult, you can replace it with push-ups with shoulder tap. But remember, more advanced versions of exercises always remain our goal.
When choosing a weight, you should always consider your fitness level.
Daily Videos
Every day, watch a short video in which Mike performs workouts or gives advice on nutrition. It is necessary. All videos are available by link.
Source bodybuilding.com
Thanks Arcadiy for help with content.