Flexor Incline Dumbbell Curls
Main muscle: Biceps
Equipment: dumbbells
Mechanics type: isolation
Fitness level: beginner
Category: Increase strength
- Hold the dumbbell towards the side farther from you so that you have more weight on the side closest to you. (This can be done for a good effect on all bicep dumbbell exercises). Now do a normal incline dumbbell curl, but keep your wrists as far back as possible so as to neutralize any stress that is placed on them.
- Sit on an incline bench that is angled at 45-degrees while holding a dumbbell on each hand.
- Let your arms hang down on your sides, with the elbows in, and turn the palms of your hands forward with the thumbs pointing away from the body. Tip: You will keep this hand position throughout the movement as there should not be any twisting of the hands as they come up. This will be your starting position.
- Curl up the two dumbbells at the same time until your biceps are fully contracted and exhale. Tip: Do not swing the arms or use momentum. Keep a controlled motion at all times. Hold the contracted position for a second at the top.
- As you inhale, slowly go back to the starting position.
- Repeat for the recommended amount of repetitions.
Caution: Do not extend your arms totally as you could injure your elbows if you hyperextend them. Also, make sure that on the way down you move slowly to avoid injury.
Variations: You can use cables for this movement as well.
Source: bodybuilding.com