Shuttle Run
Main muscle: Hamstrings
Other muscles: Glutes, Adductor, Abductor, Calves
Equipment: no equipment
Mechanics type: compound
Fitness level: beginner
Category: Cross-training, Cardio

Step by step

  1. Place the cones the desired distance apart (usually 10 or 20 meters).
  2. Place 2 small blocks or balls at the far cone.
  3. Start at the cone away from the blocks.
  4. Get into sprinter position. Sprint as fast as you can to the other cone.
  5. Grab one of the blocks with your hand and immediately turn around and sprint back to the starting cone.
  6. Set the block at the starting cone and then sprint back to grab the second block.
  7. Grab the second block and turn and sprint through the starting cone.
  8. The time stops as soon as you pass the first cone for the final time.