Поза Перевернутого Жезла
Спорядження: без спорядження
Категорія: Йога

For a simpler variation that can be used by people still learning Salamba Shirshasana 1 (Head Stand), do the pose with the feet at the wall. Start by sitting with your pelvis against the wall and the legs straight, mark off where your heels go. This is where you will place your head. Then walk the feet up the wall.

Step by step

  1. Come into the pose from Salamba Shirshasana 1 (Head Stand 1).
  2. Lower the legs down to horizontal, allowing the hips to shift slightly back.
  3. Hold the pose for 20 to 30 seconds.
  4. Either lower the feet to the floor or return to Shirshasana and continue on with other variations.
Practice points