Поза вух між колінами
Спорядження: без спорядження
Рівень підготовки: початківець
Категорія: Йога

Karnapidasana is considered to be an efficient exercise that can assist in removing all the issues related to ear. The term ‘Karna’ means Ear and ‘pida’ refers to as pain or discomfort. This pose is also known as Knee to Ear Pose. This pose is considered as an advancement of the plough pose where the length of your knees to toes tends to be aligned with the ground. The pose tends to permit for an extension of the spines of the human body. The blood circulation towards the head that aids in restoring ear health as the ear and sinus blockage is removed spontaneously. It is to be remembered that there are basically two vinyasas while performing Karnapidasana that starts in a supine posture. The first one is basically based upon Salamba Sarvagasana and the other has been based upon Halasana which is considered as second vinyasa through which Karnapidasana can be reached easily.

How To Perform It

  1. Initially you are required to rest on your back at the floor with your arms must be placed in a resting pose at the sides. Keep your legs straight in front of you
  2. Breathe in and force down your palms in the floor
  3. Lift your legs in the air and try to breathe out. Keep your legs straight in the air and try to bring your legs over your head
  4. You are then supposed to raise your butts and try to swing your leg over the head
  5. Press into the floor with the help of your upper arms. Remember that your arms must be parallel to your body
  6. In order to support your hips try to raise your hands and place them under lower back. Hold your bend knees together
  7. Place your knees down and take a long breathe
  8. After that raise your hips and bring your knees down
  9. This way you will be capable of placing yourself in an ear pressure pose
  10. Subsequently, open your folded knees and place them upon the floor
  11. Bring your legs on the floor and stretch your arms in parallel position
  12. Remember to keep your palms open over the floor facing the ceiling
  13. Remain in this pose for around 5-6 breathes
  14. Force down your arms in the floor, roll back your body in order to bring it to rest

Anatomical Focus

Although the anatomical focus of this pose is upon the whole body but this pose tends to place more pressure upon the hips, thighs, spine, neck as well as abdomen.

Therapeutic Applications

As the name suggests, it can be mentioned that all the ear related issues can be resolved with the regular practice of this asana. A person suffering from temporary deafness can also be cured with the assistance of this yoga. Furthermore, any sort of pain in the knees, shoulders or thighs can be cured within few practice of this yoga. Indigestion related issues can be resolved and excess fat prevailing in the hips can also be resolved.

Benefits - There are various benefits that can be availed by regular practice of Karnapidasana that has been pinpointed below:

  1. It is effectual for calming the brain
  2. It tends to elongate the shoulders as well as spine
  3. Any issues related to menopause can be cured within short period of time
  4. A person suffering from enormous stress or fatigue can attain relieve from performing this pose
  5. It tends to provide a internal abdominal massage to the various parts of the body
  6. It stimulates the thighs, hips as well as buttocks and elongates the shoulders as well as neck
  7. The pose is effectual in energizing the overall body
  8. It stimulates the thyroid gland as well as the nervous system
  9. It is a combination of the core strength as well as spinal flexion

Contraindications and Cautions

It is to be remembered that a person suffering from diarrhea must avoid practicing pose as it might worsen the condition. Furthermore, ladies must not perform this pose if they are undergoing menstruation as there are high possibilities of stomach ache. Any person having severe neck injury must avoid performing this pose. It is highly recommended not to perform this pose in case a person is having high blood pressure or is suffering from asthma problems.

Beginner’s Tip

For the beginner’s it is advisable not to worry in case their knees don’t come to the floor. Keep your knees up till they come down spontaneously.


You can bring variation in the pose by making use of the folded blanket underneath the thighs while lifting it up. Make use of the bolster while you raise your knees. If you are not capable of placing your chin directly over the floor then make use of the bolster or blanket in order to support it.

Modifications and Props

In the beginning do not come into full posture. You can put your legs up on the wall and enjoy the posture. You can rest your knees on the forehead in order to obtain some rest. Make use of a bolster or a blanket underneath the shoulders as well as pelvis. Keep your hands supporting your back. In order to bring certain modifications in the pose, try to practice plow or plow modifications.


Owing to the fact that the pose cannot be performed by the beginner’s themselves, requirement of the partner is quite essential in order to complete the pose effectively and to obtain best results in successful completion of the pose. Partner can help you in lifting your legs up. You might find it difficult in lifting your top thighs and tail bones towards the ceiling. In such cases your partner can be of great assistance to you. In order to come down to the normal position, your partner can help you to bring your knees down the floor.

Preparatory Poses

The various preparatory poses for the Karnapidasana pose are Child’s Pose, Forward Folds, Hare Pose, Legs up the wall, Shoulder Stand and Downward Facing Dog. A person performing these various poses can easily practice Karnapidasana.

Follow-up Poses

The different poses that can be performed after conducting Karna Peedansana are Shoulder Stand Pose, Head Stand Pose, Forward Folds, Backbends, Plow Pose, Fish Pose, Bridge Pose and Downward Facing Dog Pose.

Deepen The Pose

In order to get deeper into the pose, keep exhaling in order to walk the feet back. You must widen your shoulder blades by making use of resistance of your arms. Push down the shoulder blades as you open your chest. Try to press your knees into the ears. Take your hands back and bring them together. You can wrap your arms at the back of the knees and hold the opposite hands.