Румунська тяга з гирею
Основний м'яз: Біцепс стегна
Вторинні м'язи: Сідниці, Поясниця
Спорядження: гирі
Дія: складена
Рівень підготовки: середній
Категорія: Збільшення сили

  1. Begin in a standing position with a kettlebell held with both hands. Ensure that your back is straight and stays that way for the duration of the exercise. Allow your arms to hang perpendicular to the floor, with the wrists pronated and the elbows pointed to your sides. This will be your starting position.
  2. Initiate the movement by flexing your hips, slowly pushing your butt as far back as you can. This should entail a horizontal movement of the hips, rather than a downward movement. The knees should only partially bend, and your weight should remain on your heels. Drive your butt back as far as you can, which should generate tension in your hamstrings as your hands approach knee level. Maintain an arch in your back throughout the exercise.
  3. When your hips cannot perform any further backward movement, pause, and then slowly return to the starting position by extending the hips.

Source: bodybuilding.com