Head-to-Knee Forward Bend 2
Equipement: pas d'équipement
Catégorie: Yoga

The action of this pose is similar to that of A. The main difference is that the rotation of the femur bone is reversed, so that both legs are in internal rotation. With the leg in this position, full flexion of the knee is ensured by the weight of the body. The bent leg can be arranged at a 50-60° angle. Additional stretch is also possible in the hamstrings of the straight leg.

Janu Sirsasana is a “hip opener,” lengthening the muscles of the inner thigh and groin. The action of the straight leg is that of Paschimottanasana.

There is a slight twisting action in the torso: wrap the length of the spine from root to crown to address the straight leg fully. There can be a tendency for the hips or low belly to face a 45° angle between the femurs, which should be avoided. This is not a posture dedicated to twisting; a ‘counter-twist’ is simply needed to keep facing straight forward.