Wide-Stance Jump Squat To Close-Stance
Muscle principal: Quadriceps
Autres muscles: Fessiers, Muscles ischio-jambiers, Mollets
Equipement: pas d'équipement
Type mécanique: composé
Niveau de fitness: débutant
Catégorie: Pliométrie

  1. Stand erect with a wide stance with your hands just off your front thighs. This will be your starting position.
  2. Descend into a deep squat while simultaneously clasping your hands in front of you, arms drawn in. Rise back up in an explosive motion to bring your feet off the floor, extending your arms again so they’re touching your thighs. This time as you descend you’ll be going into a close stance, again clasping your hands in front of you.
  3. Alternate wide and close stances as you repeat the arm movements.

Source: bodybuilding.com