Double Kettlebell Alternating Hang Clean
Põhiline lihas: Puusa biitseps
Teised lihased: Biitseps, Küünarvars, Tuharad, Trapetsid, Selja alumine osa, Reie sirglihas, Kaksik-sääremarjalihas
Varustus: sangpommid
Tegevus: kombineeritud
Ettevalmistuse tase: edasijõudnud
Kategooria: Jõu suurendamine

  1. Place two kettlebells between your feet. To get in the starting position, push your butt back and look straight ahead.
  2. Clean one kettlebell to your shoulder and hold on to the other kettlebell.
  3. With a fluid motion, lower the top kettlebell while driving the bottom kettlebell up.
