Alternating Renegade Row
主要筋肉: 中背部
他の筋肉: 二頭筋, 三頭筋, 胸部, 腹部, 広背筋
装置: ケトルベル
種目: コンパウンド
フィットネスレベル: 上級
カテゴリー: ストレングス向上

  1. Place two kettlebells on the floor about shoulder width apart. Position yourself on your toes and your hands as though you were doing a pushup, with the body straight and extended. Use the handles of the kettlebells to support your upper body. You may need to position your feet wide for support.
  2. Push one kettlebell into the floor and row the other kettlebell, retracting the shoulder blade of the working side as you flex the elbow, pulling it to your side.
  3. Then lower the kettlebell to the floor and begin the kettlebell in the opposite hand. Repeat for several reps.
