Half Bound Lotus Standing Forward Bend
装置: 装置なし
カテゴリー: ヨガ

Stand with your feet together. As you inhale, lift your right leg as you did in Figure 3, taking hold of the shin or ankle with both hands and drawing the right foot up to the level of your left hipbone. Pull the right heel in toward the belly with the left hand, place the ankle on the upper thigh, and reach your right hand behind you to grasp your right foot. As you inhale again, lift the left arm overhead; as you exhale, bend forward. If possible, place the left palm on the floor, fingertips in line with the tips of your toes. Without forcing, draw your chin toward your shin. Take 5 to 10 breaths. To come out of the pose, inhale while looking up and lifting your chest. Exhale here. Then, as you inhale, press firmly down through your standing leg and draw your torso back up to vertical. (Bending the standing leg a bit can make this easier.) Release the lifted leg to the floor, then repeat on the other side.