Abdominal Twist
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フィットネスレベル: ビギナー
カテゴリー: ヨガ

Jathara Parivartanasana is a posture where a person is required to have strong twisting actions of the abdomen and needs firm attention in the legs, shoulders as well as spines. A person is required to have an inner centeredness as well as softness in the lower core of the body in order to maintain balance that is most needed in the pose. In Sanskrit, Jathara refers to belly or stomach, Parivartanasana means twisting, whirling or revolving about. The other names of the yoga are reclined straight-leg twist as well as belly-revolving pose.

How to Perform It - In order to perform this yoga, you need to follow various steps which has been mentioned in the paragraph below

  1. Lie down on the ground and extend your arms towards both your sides. You must keep your shoulder erect
  2. Breathe out and lift your legs together in a way that they are perpendicular to the ground
  3. You are required to remain in this pose for some minutes. Breathe out and slowly try to move both of your legs at one particular side so that the toes touch the ground. You must keep in mind that your back has been laid straight in the floor
  4. Try to remain in this position for some seconds
  5. Perform the same process on the other side

Anatomical Focus

The main anatomical focus of this exercise is upon the spine, back, shoulders, chest, hips and lower back. Proper practice of this exercise shall assist in stimulating these parts of the body and remove stiffness completely.

Therapeutic Advantages

The exercise tends to stimulate the abdomen and also assists in reducing cholesterol from the body. A person suffering from stomach pain, indigestion related problems, gastritis as well as stomach turmoil must practice performing this exercise on a regular basis. Any sort of problem prevailing in the liver, spleen as well as pancreas can be cured with the help of this exercise. A person possessing ache in back as well as in the areas near hip gets cured with the help of this exercise. The exercise is therapeutic for mild Sciatica, menopause, menstrual discomfort, arthritis, osteoporosis and also assists in improving infertility related issues.


  1. It tends to tone as well as stimulate a person's abdominal organs of the human body, thereby enhancing digestion, incorporation as well as elimination
  2. It helps in relieving from all kinds of tensions in the spinal column, shoulders as well as hips
  3. A person's aches as well as minor discomfort persisting in the lumbar spine after he has sat for long time or had bend backward or forward can be removed
  4. It assists in reducing excess fat throughout the body by means of strengthening the digestive force
  5. Working with this pose might assist in raising the awareness of often ignored center and tends to purify the body completely
  6. It assists in easy breathing and also helps in proper movement of the spines
  7. It strengthens the knees, ankles as well as toes
  8. It is considered as an ideal exercise in order to keep the pelvic region healthy and also tends to keep the lower back pain free as well as flexible
  9. In performing this yoga after a tiresome day can assist in getting relieve of emotional exhaustion

Contraindications and Causes

A person with any sort of previous injury in their hips or hip replacement problems are required to have caution when practicing this pose. A person possessing spinal injury requires taking advice from their superiors or doctors prior to beginning the pose. If you have weak abdominal muscles need not lift or lower the legs when practicing this pose. Pregnant ladies must consult doctor prior to performing this exercise.

Beginner's Tip

At times, it is viewed that the person's shoulder positioned on the opposite side of the body might be raised when we are twisting. In such circumstances, it must be understood that we have gone too far in this pose. Try to ease your body and make sure that your shoulders have been placed equally as before. In case you require support, bring blanket or block under the knees. This shall provide some relief to the knees. With the pace of time, you will notice that you no longer require any support of blanket or block and are capable of bringing your knees down.

Modifications and Props

In order to attain greater flexibility while performing the pose, you can make certain modifications and feel relaxed. You are required to place a rolled blanket inside the tailbone. You can as well keep your blanket or a block between the ground and at the bottom of the thigh. You can look forward and must avoid looking the opposite side of the knees.


In the beginning stage you might notice that your right shoulder tends to lift off the floor. In order to prevent such cases, you can make use of the partner who can press it down. Partners can aid in deepening the pose and also help in attainting greater benefits from particular form of yoga poses.

Preparatory Poses

Jathara Parivarthanasana tends to be a preparatory pose for numerous other poses such as child pose, simple seated pose, simple seated twist pose, forward folds, seated staff pose, hero pose, side stretched pose, bound sage pose, bharadvaja's twist pose. The steps used for Jathara Parivarthanasana can be easily used for above mentioned poses as well.


In order to attain a slight variation to the pose, you can tilt your knees throughout the pose. In case you find your knees rub each, then use of blanket between your legs is advisable. When your bottom foot doesn't touch the ground, then in such circumstances you can allow your foot to rest on a folded blanket.

Follow Up Poses

Jathara Parivarthanasana is considered to be a good pose that can aid in beginning of any new form of asana such as forward folds, backbends such as Cobra and Locust, simple seated pose, revolved head to knee pose, cow face, Marichi's pose, crow and side crow pose, bridge pose, fish pose, Downward facing dog pose, upward plank pose, Lie on belly pose and corpse pose.

Deepen the Pose

In order to deepen the twist, you must keep breathing out and try to empty your stomach more and more. When you have deepened into the pose, you tend to force rotation. In reality the lumbar spine can twist only 5 degrees. You must try to avoid this practice as it might lead to injury. Most people are found to make use of the body part instead of using the core centre in order to assist them in rotation. However, this needs to be avoided. You must only make use of the core muscles to revolve the upper body.