Suitcase Dumbbell Carry
主要筋肉: 前腕
他の筋肉: 臀筋, 腹部, 僧帽筋, 下背部, ハムストリング, 大腿四頭筋
装置: ダンベル
種目: コンパウンド
フィットネスレベル: ビギナー
カテゴリー: ストレングス向上

  1. Select a weight that is challenging to hold, beginning with the weight on the floor next to you. With your feet shoulder-width apart, descend into deadlift position by flexing the knees and hips. You should be looking at a point several feet in front of you to maintain a neutral cervical spine. Your chest should be up and your back arched, with a neutral grip on the dumbbell.
  2. Inhale just before picking up the weight. Extend through the hips and knees to deadlift the weight, sticking your opposite hand out to the side to act as a counterweight. This will be your starting position.
  3. To perform the exercise, simply walk forward holding the weight at your side. Heavier loads may require some amount of lean to remain upright. At all times maintain proper posture in the spine, keep your arms extended, and keep the shoulder in a neutral position.
  4. Walk forward the given distance, executing a turn if needed. When the route is completed return the dumbbell to the ground with a controlled squat. Do not drop the weight.
