Hang Clean
Musculo principal: Parte baja de la espalda
Otros musclos: Tríceps, Hombros , Trapecio, Cuádriceps 
Equipo: mancuerna
Tipo de mecánica: compuesto
Categoría: CrossFit, Levantamiento de potencia

Step by step

  1. Hip-width stance
  2. Hands about one thumbs distance from hips
  3. Hook grip on the bar
  4. Lumbar curve maintained
  5. Deadlift the bar to the hang position
  6. Extend hips and legs rapidly
  7. Heels down until hips and legs extend
  8. Shoulders shrug, followd by a pull under with the arms
  9. Bar is reveived in the bottom of a front squat
  10. Complete at full hip and knee extension with the bar in the front rack position