GHD Hip And Back Extension
Musculo principal: Glúteos 
Otros musclos: Medio de la espalda, Parte baja de la espalda
Equipo: maquina
Tipo de mecánica: compuesto
Nivel de fitness: principiante
Categoría: CrossFit

Step by step

  1. Set the support pad so the hips are free with the legs straight
  2. Start with hips extended and the arms crossed
  3. Tuck chin to flex the spine, starting at the neck
  4. Upper back then rounds, followed by the lower back
  5. Hips flex, then momentarily extend the spine
  6. To return, extend hips while spine flexes
  7. Hips stay extended as lower back then upper back extends
  8. Finish with a neutral spine and extended hips