Прыжки с согнутыми в коленях ногами
Основная мышца: Бицепс бедра
Вторичные мышцы: Ягодицы, Приводящая мышца, Отводящая мышца, Квадрицепс, Икры
Снаряжение: без снаряжения
Действие: составное
Уровень подготовки: начинающий
Категория: Плиометрика

  1. Begin in a comfortable standing position with your knees slightly bent. Hold your hands in front of you, palms down with your fingertips together at chest height. This will be your starting position.
  2. Rapidly dip down into a quarter squat and immediately explode upward. Drive the knees towards the chest, attempting to touch them to the palms of the hands.
  3. Jump as high as you can, raising your knees up, and then ensure a good land be re-extending your legs, absorbing impact through be allowing the knees to rebend.

Source: bodybuilding.com