You’ve made it to the big show. This is what you trained for over the last several weeks. Make sure to take at least two full days of rest and light stretching to prepare. Some athletes take three to five days off and do a few easy sets on the third “rest” day to keep loose.
Mentally prepare for success: Visualize yourself knocking out effortless rep after rep. Hydrate, warm up, stretch, focus and ROCK THE TEST!
Don’t get discouraged if you don’t hit 100 on the first attempt—it’s an audaciously high target!
• If you get over 85, you should take 2–3 full days rest and try the test again when you’re fully prepared.
• If you did less than 85 go to three workouts back and continue the program.
• If you hit 100 or more, you’re an ANIMAL! Congratulations on all your hard work and your awesome achievement!
Я справился с этим! Вывел себя на НОВЫЙ уровень! Делал всё на максимум технично, уверен у меня получилось)
? Отжиманий!!! Но это не предел, буду продолжать прогрессировать дальше.
P.S. "Ели строчу сообщение.. Мышцы забиты)"
Не, ну, горят запястья и предплечья. Пусть горят.
Три дня перерыва - и ещё на круг.)