Palms-Down Dumbbell Wrist Curl Over A Bench
Main muscle: Forearm
Equipment: dumbbells
Mechanics type: isolation
Fitness level: beginner
Category: Increase strength

  1. Start out by placing two dumbbells on one side of a flat bench.
  2. Kneel down on both of your knees so that your body is facing the flat bench.
  3. Use your arms to grab both of the dumbbells with a pronated grip (palms facing down) and bring them up so that your forearms are resting against the flat bench. Your wrists should be hanging over the edge.
  4. Start out by curling your wrist upwards and exhaling.
  5. Slowly lower your wrists back down to the starting position while inhaling.
  6. Your forearms should be stationary as your wrist is the only movement needed to perform this exercise.
  7. Repeat for the recommended amount of repetitions.

